
Conversations from the Edge - The Attack on Nurse Practitioner Education

1 credit

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In Season 2 of Conversations from the Edge, we again bring nurse leaders together to explore the unknown edges of the nursing profession and envision the bold leadership needed to push it forward. Three of the nation’s foremost thought leaders in nursing and their accomplished guests address and unpack emerging issues and present their insights. This episode features Marion Broom, PhD, RN, FAAN, the Ruby Wilson Distinguised Professor Emerita of Nursing and former Dean of the Duke University School of Nursing, Corey Fry, DNP ACNP-BC, the Director of Advanced Practice at the Oregon Health & Science University, and Sarah Szanton, PhD, RN, APRN, ANP, the Patricia M. Davidson Professor for Health Equity and Social Justice and Dean at the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing.

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